The year 2020 is infamously known as the year of pandemic – Covid-19. The spread of the corona virus has made millions homebound compelling them to strengthen their immunity and take necessary precaution. The number of Covid-19 cases are incessantly snowballing and so is the demand for proficient and licensed healthcare professionals. The outstanding demand for healthcare professionals won’t disappear until virus ceases to exist or a vaccine is introduced. As a result of the ongoing requisite, hiring healthcare professionals amid Covid-19 has increased significantly.
Surge in Respect for Healthcare Professionals
Nobody was prepared to fight the ever increasing challenges imposed by the corona virus. Be it epidemiologists, laboratories, nurses, or doctors – the front line warriors are selflessly dedicating themselves to serve humanity. This is the best example of a humanity-first approach, which we laud. However, prolonged exposure to patients and environment effected by corona virus have had maverick adverse effects on the wellbeing of healthcare professionals as well. Thus, hospitals and nursing homes have started observing a deficit of senior health professionals. The recruitment teams of hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes have no option but to be on their toes to attract and recruit healthcare professionals.
Excessive Stress Leading to Exodus of Healthcare Patients
Across the world, every individual is taking time to appreciate the efforts of healthcare professionals. Healthcare workers are working day in and day out as there is constant increase in Covid patients. It becomes natural for them to get subjected to fatigue and burn out lowering their motivation and interest in the job. Eventually, they leave their jobs in search of much needed peace and rest.
Extra Care while Hiring Healthcare Professionals during CovID-19
It is necessary for recruiters to take adequate steps while approaching healthcare professionals during the current pandemic.
- Start your conversation with a greeting to appreciate their service.
- Strike a conversation to understand the current state of mind of the applicant.
- Proceed talking about the position only, if the applicant is willing and shows interest.
- Talk at length but don’t go verbose.
- Send a consolidated email right after your conversation. Mention the Job Descriptions, Remuneration, benefits and all required information.
- Ask for the best time to call next for subsequent conversations.